Our trip up the California coast has been focused on reconnecting with my friends and family. So far, it has been unbelievably great! Today we left Woodland Hills after being spoiled by the wonderful hospitality of Jerri, Brian and Libby. Thanks guys! We ventured north a very short distance to Valencia, where I went to elementary school before moving to New York many, many years ago. We planned to stay with Carrie, her husband Mark and daughters Mara and Elena. Do you see the pattern? I don’t let go of my friends easily. Sorry east coasters you are stuck with me! The plan was that we would do NOTHING and that is absolutely what we did and boy, did it feel good. The Subbotins live in a planned community where schools, stores, businesses and anything you can think of is all right there. “Convenience city” as you fill up your gas tank monthly and have any of life’s needs within arm’s reach. Oh yeah Lisa, they have 75 some odd restaurants and very high quality cuisine, reservations are required and you can smooze all the Maitre D’s – who are blond, tan and buff - just like in NY.
I guess it is fair to say that this was the stop where we recharged our battery. The suburban got an oil change, Chris got a hair cut, we simplified our bags and sent home any new purchases we had accumulated and restocked our food and drink coolers. The Walsh girls enjoyed some independence along with Mara and Elena, by riding their scooters to the local video stores without an adult. With the use of sidewalks and paseos (bridges built over major boulevards) the girls never had to cross a street. For my east coast friends, the conveniences in this area are unbelievable. You could keep your car for 20 years since you never have to drive more than a few miles to get what you need.
We expected high temperatures but once again, we got unusually cool weather. We enjoyed a relaxing BBQ outdoors chatting and enjoying some drinks. Speaking of drinks ladies…I’m coming home with a fabulous drink that feels awesome! Looks like anti freeze tastes like paradise.
Chris and Mark got an early start on Thursday and went for a 5 mile hike. It was steep, had switch backs and once again, the weather was ideal. It was a popular place to get exercise. The boys returned to the house feeling great. Torey escorted Mara to the junior high school where she had to register for school. Torey was completely surprised by the LONG process. She was even more shocked to learn that they have uniforms for P.E. class and a very strict dress code (the “no flip flop” rule killed her). JJMS isn’t looking so bad now! I went out for a short run that turned into a long, torturous run. I quickly learned that in a planned community, every home and every street looks the same. After 20 minutes of running, I was completely lost. I spent the next 30 minutes running around the entire neighborhood until I spotted a white Suburban with a Thule on top. Ah, my home away from home!
The weather was so spectacular that I decided to set up shop outside and painted fingernails and toenails for each of the 5 young ladies. They had fun and I soaked up some rays. Then we were treated to a visit to Tokyo. I know that sounds strange and I was very confused when Mara and Elena told me that we had to go to Tokyo. I quickly learned that it is a local store that sells tons of Japanese things (food, daily essentials, toys, etc). The Walsh girls were thrilled to find a huge selection of Japanese erasers (yes Colin, the ones that you collect). We must have spent one hour looking at erasers.
Whenever I’m in town Carrie makes sure that I get time to visit with her parents (Rita and Lou), sister (Jodi), brother-in-law (Toby) and nephews (Oliver and Benjamin). And she did not fail me this time either. We all got together for a BBQ and it was a wonderful time. The kids enjoyed making homemade ice cream in a hamster-like ball and playing hide and go seek. I truly appreciated having the time to reconnect with people that I hold very close to my heart. After tonight we are back on the road and back to hotel living. We will all sleep well and savor the comfort of wonderful friends.
Thanks for travelin’ with us,
Sound spectacular! Lovin' every moment of your trip. Hurry home and make us that drink!!!!!