The plan was to get an early start out of Niagara, Ontario on our way to Ithaca, NY where we would spend the day/night with Chris’ sister, Kate, and her family. The old motto, “No plan is a final plan” came into play. The girls decided that they couldn’t leave the hotel without another ride down the corkscrew water slide. Chris and I rolled our eyes, took a deep breath and said, “Let’s go to the pool.”
Once in the car, we headed over Rainbow Bridge on our way to the United States. This bridge gave you an exquisite view of all the Falls. What a great memory. The border patrol going into the states was much tougher. The officer wanted to see each of the girls and asked if there were any more in the car. Was he kidding! Didn’t he see that the car was bursting at the seams?!
We proceeded into New York State with a car full of cheers. The drive to Ithaca was uneventful, however there is beautiful farmland in this neck of the state. We arrived in Ithaca and were greeted with hugs from Kate, her husband Greg and their boys, Zach, Sean and Ryan. The girls enjoyed the day playing with the boys, I took advantage of Kate’s laundry room and was determined to arrive home with only clean clothes and Chris enjoyed an afternoon watching sports on TV with Greg. We were spoiled rotten with fabulous food and drinks! Thanks guys!
We can’t believe that the home stretch has arrive!
Thanks for traveling with us,
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